UPPSC Homoeopathic medical officer (MO) syllabus

uppsc hmo 2018 syllabus

Syllabus was applicable for UPPSC Homoeopathic medical officer exam (2018 -2019).

Time duration: 2 hours
Number of questions: 150

Each Question carry one mark, Questions are of objective type.
Maximum marks: 150
Negative Marking: 0.33 Mark

1. Homeopathic Medical Officer Professional Subjects: 120 Questions, 120 Marks

2. General Studies: 30 Questions , 30 marks


Definition of Anatomy and its major branches, Osteology -Names, situations and types of the bones of human skeleton, Myology-Names and situation of muscles, Cardiovascular system heart and major blood vessels, Neurology-brain, spinal cord and major nerves, Splanchnology- Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Stomach, lungs, Kidneys and both intestines., Uro-genital System- Urinary organs, male and female genital organs, Endocrine glands, Organs of senses. :


History of Homoeopathy & Hahnemann’s life, Fundamental principles of Homoeopathy, Requisite qualification of physician, Concept of Vital Principle, Different mode of treatment, Primary & Secondary action, Classification of diseases, Concept of Miasm, Different causes of Diseases, Dietary management during the homeopathic Treatment, Code of ethics for Homeopathic practitioners, Prognosis after administration of Homoeopathic Medicine, Second prescription, Drug proving, posology, Totality of the symptoms , Aphorism 1 to 294 of the Organon of Medicine. Introduction to Psychology.


Case taking for acute & chronic cases. Record keeping. Totality of symptoms, classification of symptoms including prescribing symptoms. Gradation and evaluation of Symptoms. Importance of Mental symptoms. Logic of Repertory, Correlation of Repertory with Therapeutics and Materia Medica. History and development of repertories till date. Types of repertories. Explanation of terminologies used in various repertories. Boenninghausen’s therapeutic pocket book and Boger Boenninghalsen’s repertory: Kent’s repertory including new Repertory.



Development of Intrauterine Pregnancy. Diagnosis of pregnancy. Antenatal care. Normal labour Post natal care Puerperal, Abnormal Puerperal, Care of the Newborn. Labour Abnormal Position and Presentation, Twins, Prolapse of Cord and limbs, abnormalities in the action of the Uterus Abnormal condition of soft parts contracted Pelvis, obstructed labour, Complications of third stage of labour, injuries of birth canals. Common Obstetrical operations. Abnormal Puerperal: infections.


Gynaecological Examination, Development abnormalities, Endocrinal Axis: abnormalities Uterine displacements Inflammation, ulceration and traumatic lesions of the female genital organs, Infant Care Neonatal hygiene Breast feeding, Management of premature child, Asphyxia common disorders of new born.


Introduction to preventive and social medicine concept, man and society: aim a scope, social medicine, social causes of disease and social problems of the sick, relation of economic factors and environment in health and disease. Physiological hygiene:- Food in relation to health and disease, Nutritional deficiencies and nutritional survey. Food processing, pasteurization of milk. Adulteration of food and food inspection, Food poisoning. 

Personal hygiene- (Cleanliness, rest, sleep, work) Physical exercise and training can of health in tropics. Environmental sanitation: Atmospheric pollution-purification of air, air sterilization, air borne diseases. Sanitation of fairs and festivals. Disinfection disinfectants, deodorants, antiseptics, germicides. Methods of disinfection and sterilization. Insects-insecticides and disinfection-insects in relation to disease. Insect control. Protozoal and helminthic diseases Life cycle of protozoan and helminthic, their prevention.

Preventive Medicine General principles of prevention and control of communicable diseases. Their description and methods of prevention and spread by contact, by droplet infection by environmental vehicles, (water, soil, food insects, animals, foundries, prophylaxis and vaccination). General principles of prevention and control of non-communicable diseases e.g. obesity, hypertension etc. homeopathic concept of prophylaxis, vaccination, Immunology and personal hygiene.


Fundamental phenomena of life. The cell and Tissues. Bio-chemical Principles B physical Principles Environmental Physiology Skin-structure and functions. Regulations of body temperature hypothermia. Skeleto-Muscular System, General introduction and classification of muscle fibers. Nerve-Structure and function of nerve cell., Blood Composition and functions in general. Physiology of plasma proteins, normal values, E.S.R. & other blood indices., Blood group systems., Lymphatics and R.E. system Cardiovascular System: Generation and conduction of cardiac impulse, E.C.G. Physiological basis of shock. Respiratory System Physical principles of gaseous exchange a transport of respiratory gases. Digestive System Physiology of Liver and Gall bladder ‘structure and functions. Excretory System Endocrine system. Reproduction system Central Nervous System, Special Senses, Nutrition, Balanced diet.



Inflammation, Repair Healing Injury, Immunity, Neoplasm, Thrombosis, Embolism, Oedema, Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Anaplasia, Metaplasia, Ischaemia, Haemorrhage, Shock Atrophy, Infection. Necrosis, Gangrene, Infarction 


Alimentary System, Liver, Inflammatory Disease, Cirrhosis, Jaundice, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Cardiovascular Disease Central Nervous Disease, Respiratory Disorders Uro-genital system, Skeletal and Muscular Disease, Skin, Haematology MICROBIOLOGY INCLUDING PARASITOLOGY, BACTERIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY


Diagnose common surgical cases with clinical procedures. Correlation of applied inspects, with factors which can modify the course of illness, including medicinal and non-medicinal measures. Anaesthesia. Principles of Surgery, Fundamentals of Examination of a patient with surgical problem Use of common Instruments for Examination of a patient, asepsis, antisepsis, Dressing plaster, operative surgery etc. Practical Instruments, Physiotherapy measures. Include also applied study in Radiology, etc. Diagnostics. Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Dental Diseases, Otorhinolaryngology and Neonatal Surgery. Injuries of various kinds-wound healing and management including Ulcers, Sinuses, Gangrene, etc. . Hemorrhage, shock, their management Resuscitation and support in emergencies: Accidents and Warfare injuries management. Burns Management. Fractures and Dislocation: general principles. Pediatrics, Therapeutics of surgical systemic diseases including Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat.


Nature & scope of Materia Medica, Sources of Materia Medica, Medicines: Aconite, Aethusa, Aloes, Antim crud, antim tart, Apis mel, Argentum nitrium, Arnica Montana, Bryonia alba, Chamomilla, cina, Colchicum, Colocynth, Dulcamara, Ipeca, Ledum pal, Nux-vom, Rhus tox, Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos, Silicea, Alumina, Ammonium carb, Anacardium, Arse hic alb, Aurum met, Baptisia, Berberis-vul, Borax, Bovista, Cantharis, Ferrum-met, Gelsemium, Hepar Suplul Ignatia, Natrum carb, Opium Petroleum, Phosphorus, Platina, Sepia, Spongia, Veratrum alb, Natrum sulph, Baryta carb, Belladonna, Calcarea carb, Carbo-veg, Causticum, Graphitis, Hyoscyamus, lodium Kali carb, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Merc-sol, Natrum mur, Nitric acid, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Staphysagria, Stramonium, Sulphur, Thuja, Zincum met, Bacillinum, Capsicum, Cocculus, Coffea, Eupatorium perf, Fluoric acid, Glonoinum,

Lilium tig, Magnesia Carb, Medorrhinum, Mezereum, Psorinum, Pyrogenium, Rhododendron, Rumex, Ruta-g, Sabina, Sanguinaria, Sarsaparilla, Spigelia, Stannum met, Veratrum vir, Cinchona of Digitalis, Sulfuric Acid.


Clinical Methods of Examination of patients as a whole with therapeutics: Respiratory diseases , Alimentary Tract and Pancreas Disease, Nutritional diseases, Immunological Factors in Diseases – Climatic Factors in Diseases Metabolic Disease, Endocrine Diseases -Menstrual Disorder, Liver and Biliary Tract Diseases Hematological Diseases, Cardiovascular system Diseases, Kidneys & Urinary Tracts diseases, Water and Electrolytes balance Diseases, Connective Tissue Disorders, Bones and Joints Disorders, Skin Diseases, CNS & peripheral nervous system-Mental Diseases, Acute Emergencies including poisonings, Pediatrics with Homoeopathic Therapeutics.


Introduction of Homoeopathic Pharmacy ,evolution of Homoeopathic Pharmacy from Organon and Materia Medica, the concept of drug Proving and Dynamisation. Schools of Medicine: their discovery, principles of pharmacology and Materia Medica, scope and limitations. Sources of Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Interrelationship of different schools of Pharmacy with emphasis on relationship of Allopathic and Homoeopathic Pharmacy. Properties of Drugs. Routes of Administration of drugs, Action of Drugs. Foods, Poisons, cosmetics. Drug substance, Drug, Medicine, Remedy. National Economy. Posology, Vehicles Scales for preparation of drugs Pharmacological Action of Polychrest medicines. Abbreviations used in prescription writing. Legal part: legislation in respect of Homoeopathic Pharmacy Drug and Cosmetic Act, Poison Act, Pharmacy Act.


Forensic Medicine: 

Legal Procedure: Definition of medical Jurisprudence. Courts, and their Jurisdiction Medical ethics: Law relating to medical registration and Medical relation between practitioners and the State. The Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Examination and identification of persons living and dead: parts, bones, stains, health, putrefaction, mummification, saponification, forms of death, causes. Assaults, wounds, injuries and death by violence. Asphyxia death, blood examination, blood stains, seminal stains: burns, scalds, lighting stroke etc. Starvation, pregnancy, delivery, abortion, Infanticide, sexual Crimes, Insanity in relation to the State life and accident insurance Post-mortem, Toxicology Mineral Acid, corrosive, sublimate, arsenic and its compound alcohol, opium and alkaloids, carbolic acid, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Kerosene oil, cannabis indica, cocaine, Belladonna, strychnine and nux vomica, aconite, oleander, snake poisoning & Lead Poisoning effect.

Syllabus for General Studies

(1) History of India and Indian National movement :– In History of India, emphasis should be on broad understanding of social, economic and political aspects of Indian history. In the Indian National movement, the candidates are expected to have synoptic view of the freedom movement, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence.

(2) Indian and World Geography:– Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World :- Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical , Social & Economic Geography of India . In World Geography only general understanding of the subject will be expected.

(3) Indian Polity and Governance, Constitution , Political system, Panchayati Raj & Public Policy. Rights – issues etc:In Indian polity and Governance, questions will test knowledge of the country’s constitution, political-system including Panchayati Raj and Community Development.

(4) Indian Economy and Social Development :- The candidates will be tested with respect to problems and relationship between population, Environment, Urbanisation, broad features of economic policy in India and Indian Culture .

(5) Current Events of National and International Importance :- This will also include questions on Games & Sports.

(6) Indian Agriculture :- The candidates will be expected to have general understanding of agriculture in India , agricultural produce and its marketing

(7) General Science: – Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person , who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline .This will also include questions on role of science and technology in the development of India. 

(8) Elementary Mathematics up to class 10th level :– Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry

Note- The candidates are expected to have general awareness about the above topics with special reference to U.P.

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